When Jessie told me she was getting married she immediately followed it up with the words, “…and you’re our wedding photographer.” “Great!” I replied, “When is it?” “Well, I’m not sure that we want to have one….”
When Jessie told me they were thinking of being married in an intimate mountaintop ceremony in the town that Nate works in every winter in Alaska, I about melted to the floor.
Emphatically YES TO ALL OF IT.
Big thanks to the crew and staff that Nate works with who housed us, fed us, and entertained us that week while we wandered the streets of Cordova, the rain forest nearby and the glaciered peaks of the area. I had such an amazing time staring at otters, photographing eagles, and generally just stuffing my face with halibut.
I have a ton of photos from our week in Cordova, but I’ll leave you today with Jessie and Nate’s Alaska destination wedding photos only.
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