Sponsoring our local Tahoe Kids Tri Series as a photographer is a no brainer for me and not just because I get to listen to parents yell at their kids to go faster or hurry up or take their helmet off (serious competitors, those parents) or because sometimes the kids break down in tears when they don’t get 1st place (happens) but mostly because I love swimming, running and cycling myself.
The 2nd event of the summer was held this past Sunday at the South Lake Tahoe Parks and Recreation Department on Rufus Allen Blvd, which is where all of the events will be held from now on. The new venue makes it much easier for me to grab action shots of the race itself and all the finish line shots, which is awesome.
Overall, it was an absolute delight to attend, as always, and a great way to volunteer my time. If you have a kid and they haven’t yet participated in this awesome home grown local event, get them out there at the next one! The kids LOVE it and they are all smiling ear to ear after they finish, regardless of any tears spilled mid-race. These events are nothing short of fantastic and there are age group awards for every single age increment, which means more kids get the feeling of accomplishment from standing on the podium. A 2 year old competed for the second time this summer – if he can do it, any kid can do it!
If your kids participated in the event, a link to the gallery will remain under the EVENTS selection in the PORTFOLIO tab or you can also view the entire gallery via this link.
Coming to visit Tahoe? The Tahoe Tri Club will be holding kids’ triathlons at the Parks and Recreation Department on Rufus Allen Blvd again on Aug 18 and Sept 8. The events start at 1:30 PM and you need to show up early to register. You can find more information at their website. Each kid receives post event grub and a raffle ticket for awesome swag from local sponsors.
If you are looking for photos from previous Tahoe Tri Club Events, you can view them via these links:
2013 Tahoe Kids Tri #1: July 21, 2013
2013 Tahoe Kids Tri Mini Event: June 30, 2013
2012 Tahoe Kids Tri #3: Sept 9, 2012
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