It’s time for a new headshot, and maybe even a full branded photography session. But you’re nervous and wondering how to feel confident in front of the camera. It might be helpful for you to know that you’re not alone—most people are camera shy. 

While I pride myself on making our sessions easy-going and fun, it’s also important that you do some self-love legwork before your session. Why? I might be magic, but I can’t make you love yourself or prevent you from being so critical of the way you look in your photos. Here are five self-love practices that will get you feeling confident in your skin and prepared for your photography session:

how to feel confident in front of the camera
  1. We are our own worst critics.

That’s why we have to be careful of negative self-talk creeping up on us. Next time you find yourself mentally critiquing your body, try thought-stopping. This well known technique for combating anxiety can also be a great tool to shut down negative self-talk. Notice the thought, then say “STOP” out loud. Unless you’re with a bunch of people, then maybe just yell it in your head so you don’t end up in a downward spiral of negative self flagellating anxiety.

how to feel confident in front of the camera

2. Positive Self Talk

Once we get the negative self-talk under control, there’s some space for positive self-talk. This can be as simple as giving yourself a compliment just-because. During your morning routine, make it a habit of looking in the mirror and thanking your body for all that it does for you. Be specific as you gently acknowledge different features.

how to feel confident in front of the camera

Example: Maybe you notice crow’s feet or wrinkles near your eyes. Put your hands near your eyes and say, “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to see and experience life’s funniest and most enjoyable moments.” Then think of the last time you had a good belly laugh.  

Personally, I know we’re all carrying around an extra Covid 19 pounds. Instead of letting the seemingly uphill battle get the best of me and derail my work, I spend a lot of time expressing the gratitude I have for my strong body that allows me do amazing things like very physical weddings for 8 hours straight, bike commuting all summer long, and doing all those dozens of Squats at Elevated Fitness every morning.

If you’re at a complete loss, here’s a general self-love affirmation: “My body is beautiful, strong, and perfect exactly as it is. I am whole.”

how to feel confident in front of the camera
how to feel confident in front of the camera

3. Ask for help

If you’re truly struggling to find anything positive or beautiful about yourself, ask a loved one. Let them know you’re working on positive self image and would love their help. Ask them what a few of their favorite physical and non-physical qualities about you are. You might be surprised. Asking for help is self-love, too.

4. Wear clothing that works for you.

Don’t pick something you’ve never worn before, and don’t pick something you have to constantly adjust. Consider getting one of your favorite “power” outfits tailored. When you look good, you feel good. Read my post for more do’s and don’ts for preparing for your headshot session.

5. Do the superhero pose.

Yep, the one you should also do right before interviews. Research shows that standing in this pose for about two minutes can boost your confidence and calm your nerves. Right before the session, stand in front of a mirror with hands on your hips, proud chest, and chin held high. Don’t be afraid to take up space. Tell yourself you’re a badass. Because you are.

how to feel confident in front of the camera
how to feel confident in front of the camera