Two easy tips for getting more exposure on your business site

By |February 7th, 2022|Commercial Photography, Marketing, Tips for Creatives|

You’ve rebranded your business logo, photos, and maybe even your business strategy. But have you considered the backdoor ways of getting more exposure? Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t as scary as it sounds. Simply put, if you want to be discovered, there are ways for you to increase your chances of being found. Enter SEO. Here are some super easy tips for how to get more exposure on your business site that you can use starting today!

Austin Commercial Lifestyle Photography | Sensory Interactive

By |January 17th, 2022|Austin, Commercial Photography, Marketing, Photography|

Stop using stock photography to promote your business and let's work together to create custom brand photography that will elevate your business.  A strong portfolio equals more customers and helps you have a streamlined look when you promote your business.  Want more inspiration?  Here's a great example from Sensory Interactive in Austin, TX of why you need custom brand photos and lifestyle brand photography to boost your social media presence.

What’s an intention anyway? And how to set one for your business in this new year

By |December 27th, 2021|Commercial Photography, Tips for Creatives|

It’s that time of year again when we feel the urge to make a New Year’s resolution. Whether it’s for personal or business growth, we should take time to think about how we decide on these goals. According to Forbes, only 20% of resolutions actually make it past February. What makes a resolution more successful than another? For starters, being realistic. As a goal oriented person that's always interested in my own growth, both personally and professionally, I'm here with some tips and suggestions for how to set intentions for your business in the new year.

Midtown Reno First Thursdays | Commercial Photography

By |November 15th, 2021|Commercial Photography|

I was really excited to partner with MidTown District of Reno to help create some advertising images for their brand new Midtown Reno First Thursdays. Midtown Reno First Thursdays is a way for the Midtown District to highlight all the fun MidTown retailers, services, bars and restaurants that make MidTown Reno so fantastic! On any given First Thursdays, you can catch a Pineapple Pedicab and get peddled around to all your favorite Reno haunts. I love Reno and I especially love MidTown Reno!

Update your headshot with these staple looks

By |October 25th, 2021|Commercial Photography|

If your current headshot is your college graduation photo or a poorly cropped photo from your cousin’s wedding three years ago, it’s time for an update. Before you pull out the pleated khaki pants and shoulder pads, take inventory. What are you trying to convey? Where will this photo be used? What kind of first impression are you wanting to make? Here are five looks to spark outfit inspo for your next branding or headshot session.

How to balance work and life when you work from home

By |September 13th, 2021|Commercial Photography, Tips for Creatives, work|

At the peak of the pandemic, at least 42% of the U.S. workforce was working from home. Although some businesses have chosen to bring employees back to the workplace, working from home is the new norm for many. If that’s you, but this new norm doesn’t feel so normal, read these helpful tips for balancing work and life from home.

Branding Photography | Susan Hyatt and Friends

By |September 6th, 2021|Commercial Photography|

A branding photography session from the woods of Lake Tahoe that almost wasn't and lessons learned that sometimes the very jobs you are trying not to take are the ones that are actually the best fit. Otherwise titled, "You are the Most." Specifically, a reminder that you shouldn't be afraid to be yourself but also that you should be generous with your assumptions: something I often try to embody but sometimes forget.

How to help your employees prepare for their headshots

By |August 16th, 2021|Commercial Photography, Marketing, Tips, Tips for Creatives|

Yes, having employee headshots that contribute to a cohesive digital presence is amazing, but your employees are probably just stoked to be getting a new LinkedIn profile picture. Give them a heads-up about what kind of session we’ve discussed. In the past, they may have had a heavily corporate headshot experience, sitting in front of a green screen with their chin tucked just-so. Hot take: Corporate headshots don’t have to be so...corporate and especially not when I'm involved! Here's how to help your employees prepare for their headshot session.

5 self-love practices for feeling confident in front of the camera

By |July 19th, 2021|Commercial Photography, Marketing, Tips for Creatives|

While I pride myself on making our sessions easy-going and fun, it’s also important that you do some self-love legwork before your session. Why? I may take incredible photos and make you look really good but I'm not magic: I can’t make you love yourself. I can't help someone like their photos when they are being extra critical of the way they look. So woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, take a deep breath, time to focus on you: here are five self-love practices that will get you feeling confident in your skin and prepared for your photography session.

Why you should stop using stock photos to promote your business

By |June 21st, 2021|Commercial Photography, Tips, Tips for Creatives|

Custom brand photos are an opportunity for a professional photographer to capture your business and its offerings in all of its unique ways. Stock photos aren’t personal to your business: they don’t accurately reflect what your business has to offer, simply because they weren’t created for your business or with your business in mind. Oftentimes these photos are dated, staged/posed, and don’t capture the audience you’re looking for. Not to mention, it can be time-consuming to sift through millions of photos. More reasons why you should stop using stock photos and how to elevate your brand with custom imagery here!

Redlands Commercial Photographer | Willowbrook Farm

By |May 31st, 2021|Commercial Photography, Travel|

The new owners of Willowbrook Apple Farm had a lot on their hands: 3 kids, 2 full time jobs, home schooling, AND now, and then a pandemic hit.  Said apple farm also came complete with some extra houseguests: a mini-pony, a mini-donkey, chickens, a couple of cats, a dog and the most recent addition: a pig named Delilah.

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