How to build lasting and significant networking relationships

By |May 8th, 2023|Commercial Photography, Marketing, Tips for Creatives|

After a poor networking experience last month left a sour taste in my mouth, I was inspired to write an entire blog post on how to network better. With some intentionality (one of my values) and a generous spirit (another one), meaningful connections are just around the corner. In this blog post, I’ll share some of my tips on how to build lasting and significant networking relationships with people in your field. Regardless of whether or not you work in the events industry, these tips are valid for everyone.

Top 5 Locations for Lifestyle Photoshoots and Headshots in Austin TX

By |March 20th, 2023|Austin, Commercial Photography, texas, Tips for Creatives|

If you're ready to update your professional headshot, Austin, TX offers a wide variety of eclectic backgrounds to suit every personality! Many people automatically think of a traditional studio setting with a plain background and "perfect" lighting when it comes to headshots, but I'm here to convince you that environmental portraits, which are headshots taken on location, can provide more personality and a more authentic feel to your images. In a city as vibrant and diverse as Austin, TX, there are many options for locations that can provide the perfect backdrop for your lifestyle photoshoot - whether it be for commercial marketing content, new headshots, or even family or senior portraits. In this blog post, I'm gonna share with you my top 5 locations for headshots in Austin, TX.

SXSW 2023: A beginner’s guide to networking and making the most of the event

By |February 20th, 2023|Commercial Photography, Event Photos, SXSW, texas, Tips, Tips for Creatives|

Feeling nervous about group events? I'm here to remind you that networking is a skill, and like all skills it’s something that can be practiced and becomes easier with said practice. It’s a great way to build new relationships, will allow you to learn about new technologies and opportunities, and ultimately, helps you build relationships. By being prepared, confident, open-minded, and following up, you can make the most of your time at SXSW and create valuable connections that will last long after the conference is over. Here is a beginner's guide to making the most of your networking opportunities at SXSW 2023.

How to Determine your SXSW Event Photography Needs

By |February 6th, 2023|Austin, Commercial Photography, Event Photos, SXSW, texas, Tips, Tips for Creatives|

SXSW shouldn't need an introduction, but just in case you don't know me very well (or Austin), here's the short of it: SXSW is a ridiculously large ridiculously amazing festival held annually in Austin, Texas that attracts over 400,000 attendees from across the world. Its focus is large, wide, and all-encompassing, including but not limited to, innovation, technology, music, film, health, gaming, and more.  If SXSW 2023 is your first rodeo and you're planning an activation, event, or happy hour to engage and interact with your target audience, I'm here to give you a little bit of advice from a photographer's perspective, regardless of the size of your event.

Why you should consider volunteer opportunities as professional development

By |December 26th, 2022|Tips for Creatives, Volunteer|

Volunteering brings happiness in a number of ways, but it should also be considered an excellent avenue for professional development. The next time you're looking for a way to expand your professional development opportunities, and looking to bring some happiness into your life, consider volunteering – you just might find that it's the most rewarding experience you've ever had. Here are all the reasons why.

The hidden costs of running a photography businesses (and why you should take them seriously)

By |October 17th, 2022|Photography, Tips, Tips for Creatives, wedding, Wedding Planning|

When people choose to become photographers, it’s for the love of it: sharing moments of pure joy at weddings, births, and family sessions. Being the person behind the camera is much more than the art of capturing these moments, though, and it’s important, especially if you’re just starting your photography business, to zoom out and take inventory of the hidden costs of running a photography business.

Kickstarting your business’ social media presence: LinkedIn

By |September 19th, 2022|Commercial Photography, Marketing, Tips for Creatives|

Using LinkedIn for marketing doesn't have to be complicated: it's one of the best resources in social media for networking. LinkedIn is a great tool for connecting with existing clients and potential clients. Some of the easiest ways to engage on LinkedIn are by requesting endorsements and reviews from past clients (which show on your business page), allowing employees to claim your business as a workplace (this is how word-of-mouth works!), recruiting new talent by showing off your company culture, and following thought leaders in your industry (and re-sharing messages that resonate with your business). More ways to use LinkedIn to your advantage here!

Kickstarting your business’ social media presence: Twitter

By |August 15th, 2022|Commercial Photography, Marketing, Tips for Creatives|

Kickstart your business’ social media presence and get the most out of the business marketing tools at your disposal. Although it may seem overwhelming to add more things to your plate, social media can be a valuable tool to help customers get your personality, engage with you authentically and remind them of your value in their lives and in this post we'll focus on utilizing your twitter account to your advantage.

Kickstarting your business’ social media presence: Facebook

By |June 6th, 2022|Commercial Photography, Marketing, Tips for Creatives|

Kickstart your business’ social media presence and get the most out of the business marketing tools at your disposal. Although it may seem overwhelming to add more things to your plate, social media can be a valuable tool to help customers get your personality, engage with you authentically and remind them of your value in their lives and in this post we'll focus on utilizing your facebook business pages to your advantage.

Kickstarting your business’ social media presence: Instagram

By |May 9th, 2022|Commercial Photography, Marketing, Tips for Creatives|

Kickstart your business’ social media presence is with instagram and although it may seem overwhelming to add more things to your plate, instagram can be a valuable tool to help customers get your personality, engage with you authentically and remind them of your value in their lives.

Plan for your small business branding session with these tips

By |April 4th, 2022|Commercial Photography, Marketing, Tips for Creatives|

If you're a small business or entrepreneur looking to maximize your marketing content, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the process of planning, creating and fulfilling your image content dreams. Never fear though - I am here with a few suggestions on how to simplify the process! Here's how to plan for your small business branding session with these tips.

Two easy tips for getting more exposure on your business site

By |February 7th, 2022|Commercial Photography, Marketing, Tips for Creatives|

You’ve rebranded your business logo, photos, and maybe even your business strategy. But have you considered the backdoor ways of getting more exposure? Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t as scary as it sounds. Simply put, if you want to be discovered, there are ways for you to increase your chances of being found. Enter SEO. Here are some super easy tips for how to get more exposure on your business site that you can use starting today!

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